Monday, January 16, 2006

Kong '05 Will Kick Your Viewing Ass!!!!!!!

Went and saw King Kong last week. Wow, what a film. Worth a watch, even if great big ape's don't quite do it for you. Peter Jackson has created a film that transcends typical action/drama fare into something entirely...... different. Kong breathes on screen, he emotes and expresses himself on screen, and the action doesnt let up. While a little slow at first, this is merely a buildup to the wonderous exploration of digital effects in ways George Lucas can only dream of. The finale, atop the Empire State Building, is simply jaw dropping. its a long film, but holy moley is it a grand adventure. They don't make films like this any more.

Now, as for the events of the previous post.... they appear to be sorted out. I have reconciled the neighbours into the scheme of things, and it aint too bad at all. They are a fairly harmless bunch of fellas..... I hope. Thanks to all who is good to know people are watching.

We got our new bin last night. Finally, no more storing up a weeks worth of trash, and then dumping it in somebody else's bin on trash day. A nice, shiny new bin. Mhhhnnnnn.

Felt a bit crook last night, and didnt get to sleep until at least 4:30-5:00ish. Given that I arise from slumber at 6:30 to get to work, this means i have had no more than an hours sleep and have to work.....yawn. I am sooooo tired. I think when i get home, I'll lock the bedroom door shut and hibernate until tomorrow morning.

Can't really type now, by eise r gettgn tyrd nd im mikeng mistks.



Blogger Ang said...

Em and I saw Nanny McPhee!! Wheeee!

12:29 PM  

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