Tuesday, November 22, 2005

When Worlds Collide

Its hard to fathom exactly where the technology gap between my parents and myself began to occur. Perhaps it was with mobile phone technology, something which mum has managed to grasp but Dad is still confused by, or maybe it was the advent of DVD. Last night I had to go through my uncles pirated DVD collection and chose films that dad could perhaps enjoy whilst out of action with his operation. his recovery is expected to last a month or three, so his television viewing habits will undoubtably spiral towards a zenith by years end. This fact in mind, it's hard to imagine dad enjoying Sin City, or Kill Bill, or even Harry Potter, so chosing from a select few modern films was quite difficult. Eventually I opted for the more dad-friendly Tom Hanks material such as Green Mile and Cast Away (Wiiiiiiiiilson!!!). Dad goes for the old adventure westerns though, something they just do not make in Hollywood these days, and its a problem he has with the whole movie industry. The fact that things evolve and change is not something he can either fathom or appreciate, and would rather watch the latest John Wayne cowboy flick than Will Smith smiting alien scum or Spielbergs latest cute-fest.
Had tea with Mum and Dad last night. Pizza was dry and dreadful. Conversation leaned towards Dad going on about nurses (which annoyed Lisa no end) and Mum getting cranky for him not doing what the nurses at the hospital told him to do for his recuperation.

Crap, I have to go back to work. Well, see you next time.


Blogger Ang said...

Hey, what's up with my blog in your links column? It doesn't link to me :( Thanks for putting it in, though.

I have a new post up that needs comments. Tell your friends.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Ang said...

O.K. so you took the "tell your friends" literally! hahaha.

It's o.k. Thanks. I mean it. It will increase my blog trafffic, if nothing else. :)

have a good day.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Ang said...

Blog!! Captain Chopsticks (and I'm sure Queen of the Squirrels will back me up on this) needs more consistency in her 'daily blogs'

10:31 PM  

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