Monday, January 30, 2006

Hyperbolic Conundrum

Whats that title about, eh? Nothing, actually, just two of my favourite words strung together. In yet another futile attempt to try and post a Blog semi-regularly, I have jumped into the fray and stamped my fingerprints into the keyboard with regular, if not temperamental, frequency.
Life is good right now, except that I have to ask this one question.

What is it with women?

If any sane male can answer this question, please let me know. As of right now, I still have no idea, although I am increasingly despairing of ever finding out; in which case I should be content just to let it go.

Two friends of mine are getting married this weekend. Scary thing is, one of those friends I have seen weaking an orange (i think it was orange.... I can't remember)wig and red face paint. The other is a man who wouldn't know where to buy red face paint, let alone wear any. He he he. I wish those two all the best, and know that they'll have heaps of fun in their life together.

My brother is back for a two week stint in Australia after spending the last five months in Wuxi, China. Typically, though, he's only spending about an eighth of that time here in Adelaide with his family. Socially, its back to normal with Box, and he hit the ground running. It was good catching up with him briefly though, and it was just like he left yesterday.

Angie is staying here in Australia for a little longer than expected, and now the pressure is on to have a movie night before she leaves. With the social calendar beginning to thin out in the next week or two, the options are beginning to look good.

Another friend just got the sack from his latest job, marking another in a long line of ex-employees he can add to his resume. Perhaps he might want to adjust his employment aim, and try going for something a little less "chew you up and spit you out" and more "look we want you to stay around for a while".

Things are beginning to settle down on the home front, although the recent heatwave we sufferred through was just a bit pain in the butt for keeping ones frustration to a manageable level.

Crikey, look at the time. Having successfully wasted about ten minutes typing this blog, it's time to go home from work and cuddle the missus.

Bye all. See you next time.


Blogger Ang said...

It looks like I'll be leaving on the 23rd. It will depend on if the school can get me the Visa info in time and when I need to give my travel agent notice to re-ticket the flights.

And what do you mean "what is it with women"? We are quite sane, thankyou very much. :D

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I qualify on the male count, although there is some debate on the "sane" bit.

Get used to the idea that women think in a way that is quite different to how men think. The better you get to know someone, the more you will find out the differences between you. When you marry you know the other person a bit, but you think you know them really well, and it just isn't true. Over the years you will get to know your spouse much better, and the experience will often be painful. Neither of you are perfect; you are both scarred by sin. So a lot of what you find out will not be very nice.

You, though, are called to love your wife as Christ loved the church - and gave himself up for her, even though she (the church) is weak and sinful. The least part of this love in a marriage is to show consideration for her point of view and way of thinking. You need to get used to not only considering what you think, and this can be very painful. The more thoughtful and level-headed you are about this, the more pain you will save yourself. But I am not very good at it yet.

10:00 AM  

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