Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Just recently, I have not had a great amount of sleep. I wanted more, but couldn't get it. I always wake up about three hours before my alarm goes off, and I can never get back to sleep properly.
Anyway, thats not what I wanted to mention. Last night I dreamed I was ten pin bowling and my work collegues were the pins. When i got a strike, I laughed so hard that I woke up laughing. Lisa asked me if I was alright because to her, it sounded like I was crying about something, I was giggling like a pixie. Ever happened to you? I have never woken up laughing about something I was dreaming about. I occasionally wake up with a start after "falling" or "tripping" on something in a dream, but never laughing. It was weird.
Anyway, I just wanted to mention that as something bizarre. Hopefully, it doesn't happen to anybody else because it felt really weird.
Enjoy your day.


Blogger Ang said...

I've never woken up laughing. I have woken myself up by screaming "NO!" and I have woken up in tears (bawling, actually) after dreaming that a lot of people I knew had died. THAT was no picnic (it took me about 10 minutes to figure out that it was only a dream).
I would rather wake up laughing.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Ang said...

Oh, and there was a show on TV last week about things people do in their sleep (some of it R rated), and about people and dogs having narcolepsy and cataplexy.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Green Lantern said...

I somehow in my sleep told someone to, how shall I put this, oh, yeah... FUCK OFF!!! and then I punched the wall beside me. My cousin told me this with a huge grin on his face. It seems that he almost couldn't stop laughing about it after I'd woke him up when I did it.

5:04 PM  

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