Thursday, March 02, 2006

Emma, are you reading this?


Emma keeps hassling me about my posting frequency. So in answer to her request for "more frequent posting" I thought I'd just mention something. She just posted this in a previous blog:

"You must post more often.I'm an internet addict, and i get sad when my friends' blogs haven't updated since the last time I checked (about 3 hours ago).Please post... for my sanity...And I'm glad to hear the Pad Night was good. I was sick. We shall try and come next time."

Emma, my dear sweet girl, you really must try and find other hobbies that get you away from the keyboard. You know the great big ball of gas burning high up in the sky? That's called the sun, and I think you need to see it a tad more, eh? Less radiation from a computer monitor, and more radiation from a natural source of Vitamin D. Oh, yes, I will try my utmost to keep you sane, but I am afraid that I am too late in that regard anyway. Well, since you requested more frequent Blogs, I shall certainly try.

Let me just state, for the record, however, that it's not always certain that I post all the time. Unlike Mrs Muhlack and Ms Eckerman, who post virtually every hour of the day, I am unable to afford that luxury without signifigant pressure from my supervisor. Whilst it may look like I have plenty of time to spend whiling away the multitude of free hours I have in employment, I, in fact, do not. I do post as regularly as I am able, but other things take up my time, such as reading movie websites and things that interest me. Google is my friend. And chatting with my work associates. And drinking coffee. And daydreaming whilst looking out the window.... and thinking about Lisa..... and ....

Well, you get the picture.

You'll get a blog when I get around to it.

Thanks to all who came to the movie night, it was fun and nobody there was sick, thankfully. More movie nights to follow (see previous blog regarding the state of Movie Nights) and hopefully, and increase in numbers.

All the best.

Captain Infrequentblogger
"I live a life of luxury. I cannot think of a single time I actually worked in my entire life. I am a lucky man, right? Not so. I am so work unfriendly its actually boring to be me. Everyone I know is slack. It's damn unbecoming of them to not have to work when I am trying desperately to find something to keep me occupied. Work is the great motivator, the great allowance. You work, you can do things. Its self-approval at its highest form."


Blogger Fernby said...


hope this advice helps.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Green Lantern said...

Oh sure. Pick on him. And you don't even come and read my blog. Sniff!

4:52 PM  

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