Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Oscars: It's hard for Pimps and Gangstas

Last night, the biggest entertainment farce commited on TV wasn't Crash winning Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain. Nope, it was that awful Its Hard Out Here For A Pimp winning Best Original Song.
While the entire Oscar show lacked true spark, it came with a bang once that song started up. And while I hoped against hope that Dolly Parton would get the gong for her foot tapping song from Transamerica, it galled me to see those hip-hopping gangstas write a song with limited intelligent social comment win the coveted gong. To be honest, I am glad that Crash won because it means that Brokeback Mountain didn't. As one who follows the movies, I was kind of annoyed at how much press BM had received, and so was delighted to see the smiles on the faces of those involved with Crash. I haven't seen Crash yet, but since it's now out to rent on DVD, i might pop down to the video store to pick it up and have a watch.
The other big thing for me last night was the host, John Stewart. Personally, I liked his approach, and although he didn't get the roaring laughter Whoopi or Billy might have received, it was a steady, amusing hosting job. And he wasn't over the top.
So, with another bunch of Oscars over with, its fair to say that this year the spread has been pretty good. Plenty of films feceived Oscar this year, rather than one getting the entire lot. Return of The King was a great film, but did it really need to win eleven Oscars? Well, yeah, it did, but the point is it kind of hogs the glory from other films that were equally deserving of the nod.
I have been watching the Oscar shows without missing one since 1993, and with the exception of this year and the year bloody Shakespeare in Love beat Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture, I have agreed with every choice for best film. Clint Eastwoods Mystic River is still the best film since the millennium. A Beautiful Mind was lucky, and many people say it shouldn't have won, but it did and you'd have a tough argument on your hands from me about who was more deserving. Last night, with the chocolate block in one hand and a bottle of fizzy drink in the other, i enjoyed the glamour and glitz of Hollywood. Althought, sometimes its all grossly unfair. Like John Stewart remarked after the Pimp song got the gong, "Martin Scorsese - 0 Oscars, It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp - 1 Oscar." Yep, the world is an unfair place. Like Jennifer Garner not tripping up on the Oscar stage and revealing herself for the entire world to see.
Oh wait, that thought should have remained in my head. Oh well.
Bad luck Heath. Bad luck Brokeback. Well done Phil Hoffman and Crash.

Captain Oscarwatcher


Blogger Fernby said...

Oprah saying that isnt really saying much. She could say anything and people take it as gospel.
As far as a pad night movie: its one i'll have to watch first to see what kind of audience it requires.....


2:43 PM  
Blogger Green Lantern said...

Not a Pad movie. Guarantee it. Worth watching? Yes. As a social occasion, though? Um, no. Possible next New Pad movie? King Kong. Released April 12 on DVD. Or Harry Potter 4. March 29.

5:11 PM  

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