Monday, April 03, 2006


Hi All,

Well, its a strange feeling, but I was working on Thrash Bus II the other day and came to a sudden realisation: a substantial number of people involved in the production of the film are now overseas. Box, Newman and gail, Angela, are all overseas, and Kiah is so far interstate she may as well be overseas. If I wanted to conduct interviews for a "making of" for the DVD, I might have a hard time of it. Oh well. Its also interesting that a large number of people I know are living overseas: Annabel among the most famous, but also Christy and Nails. Its a lot of people.

On a less serious note, I was asked to be Jimmys best man last week. Thats a pretty big honour, and it's great he asked me when he did because it now gives me about 18 months beofre they get married to plan a bucks night. Hmmm. I have a few ideas, but none that involve anything except naked women and honey.


Well, only a short blog today. Might try and come up with more tomorrow. Will soon see I guess......
Okay, so I may have to tone it down a bit. But I am sure we can come up with something.


Blogger Ang said...

Great! I'm one of Mel's bridesmaids, but not maid of honour. Can't wait to get back, and you had better send me a copy of TB2 when you finish it. I have people to show it to.

3:13 PM  

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