Thursday, October 05, 2006

Losing One's Temper

For those that know me, you'd say I was a fairly placid kid of guy. It takes a bit to get me riled up. Lets just say that yesterday, I got riled up. My supervisor decided to tell me I'd done something wrong (according to the administration people who work upstairs) but couldn't clarify this when asked exactly what she was talking about. Now this happens on a regular basis, and not just to me. But after a week of trying to do three peoples jobs, instead of the usual 1 (mine) I was fed up with people saying I wasn't doing a good job so I turned around and told my boss I thought it was bullshit. If she couldn't tell me what I had supposedly done wrong I couldn't anser her stupid question as to why she was getting annoyed phone calls from upstairs.
Lets just say that I was so mad that I was shaking.

Good thing I had nothing to throw.

Anyway, I have calmed down now, and am back to normal workload (now that people are no longer sick or on annual leave) so things should calm down a bit.

Just thought I'd share.


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